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Car Lights


Pioneering Luxury Experiences.

Founded with a vision to transform the luxury car rental industry, we combine modern innovation with timeless elegance. Our team is dedicated to crafting seamless and unforgettable experiences that elevate your journey from start to finish.


This is a summary of some, but not all, of the Terms and Conditions that may affect your liability.  

You must read the Terms and Conditions in full so that you understand your obligations when renting the vehicle. 

Authorised drivers
Only drivers authorised by us before the start of the rental are permitted to drive the vehicle. Allowing an unauthorised driver to drive the vehicle is a major breach of the rental contract which excludes you, an authorised driver and the unauthorised driver from the benefit of damage cover for accidents and theft of the vehicle.
Age limits
The minimum permitted age is 21.
2.3, 2.4
Licence requirements
A valid licence that is not subject to any restrictions, cancellation or suspension is required and must be produced at the start of the rental.
Prohibited driving
The vehicle must never be driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol or in excess of alcohol/drug limits set by law.
Prohibited use
Failing to undergo a preliminary breath test, illegal use, using the Vehicle to move dangerous or hazardous goods and use of a mobile phone whilst driving are all prohibited.
Prohibited actions
Deliberately damaging or modifying the vehicle is prohibited, and carrying passengers for hire fare or reward is not permitted without our prior approval.
4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Prohibited areas
Use of the vehicle on unsealed roads and off road is prohibited at all times, as is use of the vehicle in a prohibited area, including flooded roads, beaches, driving through rivers or streams and any areas prohibited by the police. The vehicle cannot be driven interstate.
5.2(a), 5.3
Start of the rental
You must inspect the vehicle at the start of the rental for pre-existing damage and sign a handover inspection report showing any pre-existing damage as damage not shown is deemed to have been caused during the rental period. You must pay the security deposit and the rental charges for short term rentals and the first month's rental charges for long term rentals. You have the option of subsequently paying weekly after the first month.
Prompt payment of hire charges
All hire charges must be paid when due and any payment overdue by 14 or more days is a major breach allowing us to terminate the rental contract and repossess the vehicle.
You and any passengers must not smoke in the vehicle and extra cleaning fees apply.
Locking the vehicle
The vehicle must be locked when not in use or unattended and the keys are to be kept in your possession at all times.
Maintenance for long term rentals
Although we will pay for maintenance of vehicles on longer term rentals, you must return the vehicle for scheduled servicing at the intervals set out in the Terms and Conditions.
Vehicle fault
You must notify us of any vehicle fault, warning light or fault message or low fluid levels.
Rental extensions
Extensions of the rental period must be notified no less than 24 hours prior to the end of the rental.
6.4, 6.5
Tolls, fines and infringements
You must pay for all tolls, parking fines and infringements and fines for speeding and other driving offences.
Daily km limit
Daily use is restricted to 300 kilometres. Any use over and above that limit will be charged at the rate of 40 cents per excess kilometre.
7.1, 7.2
Damage cover, damage excess
If there is damage to the vehicle, it is stolen or there is any third-party loss, you must pay the damage excess shown on the rental agreement. Any loss of use liability is additional to Your damage excess liability.
Damage cover exclusions
Damage cover is excluded if there is a major breach of the rental contract. There are also exclusions for overhead damage, underbody damage, damage caused by immersion of the vehicle in water and use of the wrong fuel type.
Personal items
There is no damage cover for lost, damaged or stolen personal items.
Roadside assistance is provided for breakdowns but not for Accidents.
Assistance not covered
Flat batteries, wheel changing for a flat tyre, lost keys and keys locked in the Vehicle are excluded and extra charges apply for these services. Use of the wrong fuel type is also excluded and you are liable for any damage caused.
10.1, 10.2
Accident reporting
Any damage to the vehicle during the rental period must be reported to us as soon as practicable and you must also report an accident to the police if any person is injured, a party leaves the accident scene without exchanging details or the other party is affected by alcohol or drugs.
10.4, 10.6
You must co-operate with us in the investigation of an accident of theft claim and with any subsequent legal proceedings.
Return of the vehicle
The vehicle must be returned on time, in clean and good repair and with a full tank of fuel or additional fees will apply. Unless otherwise stated, the rental period is 24 hours. If the vehicle is returned more than one hour after it is due, you will be charged $25 per hour up to a full day's rental and a further full day's rental for each 24-hour period or part thereof.
Major breach, termination
Damage cover is excluded if you or an authorised driver commit a major breach or drive the vehicle recklessly. If there is a major breach the vehicle may be repossessed.
Privacy / Tracking device
A Tracking Device may be fitted to the vehicle to track its location and record its route of travel and may provide other data about the use of the vehicle. It must not be removed.
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